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Environmental Studies - BS

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Environmental Studies Undergraduate Bachelor of Science

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Learning Outcomes

Program Type

Bachelor's Degree

Program Description

Environmental Studies (ES) trains and prepares students to be world-class leaders in multidisciplinary analysis, problem solving for environmental health and sustainability, and transformative social change in the 21st century. The program is highly interdisciplinary, and as a student in the program you’ll be able to explore a wide variety of environmental topics, drawing on concepts, theories, and research methods from the natural and physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities. You’ll be encouraged to generate innovative ideas through research, and you’ll gain the scholarly background and practical skills needed to envision solutions to pressing environmental challenges and to become an agent for change for a healthy and just environment. The goal of the B.S. degree in Environmental Studies is to train students to become proficient in the natural and physical sciences while still understanding the important role social and cultural influences have on addressing today’s environmental problems. The major curricular differences from the ES B.A. degree are a greater number of chemistry, calculus, biology, and physics courses. The majority of upper-division electives and the outside concentration requirements are focused on the physical and natural science disciplines.

Featured Courses


Graduate and Professional Pathways

  • Government

  • International corporations

  • Nonprofit organizations

  • Environmental Sciences and Management

  • Biology, Ecology, Wildlife, Conservation, Hydrology, and Marine Sciences

  • Energy, Sustainability, and Environmental Planning

Top Employers

  • Rincon Consultants Inc. Environmental Scientists, Planners, and Engineers

  • SunPower, a leading solar technology company

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Program Highlights

  • Established after the 1969 Santa Barabra Oil Spill, our program is one of the first and largest ones in the country

  • 40% of our majors graduate with a double major and/or at least one minor

  • We provide over $40,000 a year in department scholarships

  • We offer experiential education opportunties such as academic internships, studying abroad, environmental field projects, and undergraduate research opportunities with ES faculty

Related Disciplines

  • Climate change

  • Environmental justice

  • Sustainability

  • Interdisciplinary

  • Conservation

Associated Interests

  • Environmental Leadership Incubator (ELI)

  • UC Education Abroad Program (EAP)

  • cosystem and Habitat Resotration (UCSB Cheadle Center)

  • Environmental Humanities Center

  • UCSB Sustainability

  • Environmental Studies and Bren School of Environmental Science and Management Fellowship Program

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