Earth Science - BS - Geophysics Emphasis
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Program Description
The Geophysics Emphasis of the Earth Science major involves study of Earth’s physical properties, including its magnetic and gravitational fields, planetary movements, and seismic activity. This emphasis includes monitoring volcanic activity, 3-D imaging of the Earth’s interior, modelling of earthquake rupture dynamics, and even exploration of how Earth’s fluid (atmosphere, oceans) and solid parts interact. We use principles of wave propagation, gravity, mechanics, and solid dynamics to understand diverse phenomena: How do earthquakes shake the surface? Where and why do tectonic plates bend and break? Are remote volcanoes erupting as you read this (and how could we tell…)? We train students in a range of skills used in the quantitative sciences and across industry, including signal processing, computer programming, spatial thinking, and quantitative reasoning.
Graduate and Professional Pathways
Data Science
Resource management/extraction
Government Agencies/Labs
Engineering (petroleum, mining, etc.)
Top Employers
US Geological Survey
Energy companies (e.g., Chevron, Shell, Schlumberger, BP)
Data Science (e.g., AECOM, Parsons)
Program Highlights
Our program hosts the Muckers Coterie, an undergraduate club for Earth Science majors and minors
Every student in the department has a faculty advisor
You do not have to be a field geologist (or even go into the field) to complete the Geophysics Emphasis
Related Disciplines
Environmental Science
Computer Science
Associated Interests
Data science
Artificial intelligence