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History of Public Policy and Law - BA

History Undergraduate Bachelor of Arts

Requirements Download

Learning Outcomes

Program Type

Bachelor's Degree

Program Description

The B.A. in the History of Public Policy and Law combines comparative historical studies with training in related academic disciplines. As a student in the program, you’ll be trained to critically examine the policy- and law-related problems of the past with an eye toward understanding the present. Along with completing extensive coursework in history and courses in cognate fields of your choosing, you’ll acquire competence in historical research and writing using primary and secondary sources. You’ll also be encouraged to learn a foreign language and quantitative, digital, and/or qualitative research methods appropriate to your fields of interest. As a culmination of your studies, you’ll complete either a quarter-long research seminar or a two-quarter senior thesis project based on original historical research. In addition to your studies, you’ll be encouraged to complete an internship in public policy and law by participating in opportunities available through the UC Washington or Sacramento programs or through independently arranged venues.

Graduate and Professional Pathways

  • Government Service

  • Business

  • Private sector

  • Law

  • Education

  • Business

Top Employers

  • Political and Election Law Lawyer for a small, private law firm

  • Assistant Secretary for Digital Engagement at the California Government Operations Agency

  • Social Science Specialist at W.W. Norton, Inc. Publishing

Program Highlights

  • After matriculating with a BA in History from UCSB, one of our alumni attended medical school at UC Davis. She is now in Family Practice.

Related Disciplines

  • Political Science

  • Economics

  • Environmental Studies

  • Philosophy

Associated Interests

  • Policy and law

  • Philosophy

  • Government

  • Political science

  • Labor

UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California 93106
(805) 893-8000

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