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Anthropology - BA - Archaeology Emphasis

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Anthropology Undergraduate Bachelor of Arts

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Program Type

Bachelor's Degree

Program Description

Anthropology is the study of humans in the broadest sense: biological, sociocultural, and historical. The aim of the anthropology major at UCSB is threefold: (1) to prepare for graduate school those students who wish to work professionally in anthropology; (2) to prepare students for careers in secondary education or in social work; and (3) to provide a background in behavioral studies for students who desire a broad education in either the biological or the social sciences.

We offer B.A. degrees in three emphases: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, and Cultural Anthropology as well as a B.A. in Anthropology without an emphasis. Students may declare the major after completing two anthropology courses. An anthropology minor is also available. An overall 2.0 grade-point average is required. All major courses must be completed on a letter-graded basis.

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