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Admission to the College of Creative Studies

Candidates for the college must meet the entrance requirements of the University of California and must complete an additional, separate application to the College of Creative Studies. The online application can be found on the college's website. Two letters of recommendation are required to apply for most majors. Candidates in the arts will submit work in evidence of talent: a portfolio of original work for Art; fiction and/or poetry, and critical papers for Writing & Literature; written scores of musical compositions for Music Composition. Work in evidence, such as examples of independent research, is helpful but not essential for candidates in mathematics and the sciences.

Transfer. Students may apply at any time for transfer into another academic unit of the university, with appropriate credit granted for their standing in the college. Those applying for transfer to the college, if accepted, will be enrolled at the equivalent College of Creative Studies level. Students are normally expected to spend at least six quarters enrolled in the college to receive a degree from the College of Creative Studies.