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Academic Eligibility for Graduate Students

To remain in good academic standing, a graduate student must make timely progress toward degree completion and meet the following standards of scholarship established by The Academic Senate and the Graduate Council:

  • Establish a GPA by taking courses for letter grades

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (Senate reg. 300D and 350D)

  • Complete course work. The standard will not be met if the student has 12 or more units of unfinished coursework: Incomplete (I), No Grade (NG), or No Record (NR)

  • Meet all departmental degree requirements, as outlined in the General Catalog (Senate reg. 255B, 255C, 265, and 270)

  • Master's students must complete the master's degree within the four-year time limit (Senate reg. 300A)

  • Doctoral students must meet departmental specific time-to-degree standards based on admission year (Senate reg. 350A and Graduate Council rulings). For departmental specific time-to-degree standards, please see the table here: Time-To-Degree Standards for Doctoral Programs Chart

Departments may recommend to the Graduate Dean that a student be placed on monitoring or academic probation for failing to meet one or more of the academic expectations for performance and progress (including academic good standing and departmental requirements). Students are usually placed on probation for at least one regular academic quarter (fall, winter, or spring) prior to academic disqualification. Only the Graduate Dean may dismiss a graduate student or place a student on official academic probation.