Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Engineering II, Room 2355;
Telephone (805) 893-2430
Web site:
Chair: Jeff Moehlis
Vice Chair: Bolin Liao
The undergraduate program in mechanical engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, We offer a balanced curriculum of theory and application, involving: preparation in basic science, math, computing, and writing; a comprehensive set of engineering science and laboratory courses; and a series of engineering design courses starting in the freshman year and concluding with a three-course sequence in the senior year. Our students gain hands-on expertise with state-of-the-art tools of computational design, analysis, and manufacturing that are increasingly used in industry, government, and academic institutions. In addition, the Department has a 15-unit elective program that allows students to gain depth in specific areas of interest while maintaining appropriate breadth in the basic stem areas of the discipline. All students participate in a widely recognized design project program which includes projects sponsored by industry, UCSB researchers, as well as intercollegiate design competitions. The project program has been expanded to emphasize entrepreneurial product-oriented projects.
Mission Statement
We offer an education that prepares our students to become leaders of the engineering profession and one that empowers them to engage in a lifetime of learning and achievement.
Educational Objectives for the Undergraduate Program
It is the objective of the Mechanical Engineering Program to produce graduates who:
Successfully practice in either the traditional or the emerging technologies comprising mechanical engineering;
Are successful in a broad range of engineering graduate programs;
Have a solid background in the fundamentals of engineering allowing them to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering examination;
Engage in life-long learning opportunities such as professional workshops and activities in professional societies.
In order to achieve these objectives, the Department of Mechanical Engineering is engaged in a very ambitious effort to lead the discipline in new directions that will be critical to the success of 21st-century technologies. While maintaining strong ties to stem areas of the discipline, we are developing completely new cross-cutting fields of science and engineering related to topics such as microscale engineering and micro electrical-micromechanical systems; dynamics and controls and related areas of sensors, actuators, and instrumentation; advanced composite materials and smart structures; computation, simulation, and information science; advanced energy and transportation systems; and environmental monitoring, modeling, and remediation.
Program Outcomes
Upon graduation, students in the mechanical engineering B.S. degree program:
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Under the direction of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, academic advising services are jointly provided by advisors in the College of Engineering, as well as advisors in the department. In addition, departmental advisors are assigned to all students in the freshman year. A faculty advisor assists the students in the selection of departmental elective courses and provides counseling to students on a variety of issues related to their academic experience. Individual faculty are also available for help in program planning and professional development. Undergraduate students enrolled in other majors at UCSB who plan to change to a major in the Department of Mechanical Engineering should obtain counseling from the departmental academic advisor.
The department offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy, with a specialization in any of the following major areas: dynamical systems and controls; computational science and engineering; solid mechanics and structures and materials, thermo-fluid sciences; micro/nanoscale science (including MEMS); and bioengineering and systems biology. The curricula for all of the major areas emphasize education in broad principles and fundamentals. At the same time, programs of study and research are flexible and tailored to accommodate the individual needs and interests of the students. Interdisciplinary approaches are stressed, and students are encouraged to cross over traditional boundaries into other departments.
Qualified students who wish to pursue advanced engineering education may apply to the M.S. or Ph.D. programs. The M.S. program is intended to extend and broaden the undergraduate background and equip practicing engineers with state-of-the-art knowledge in their field. The degree may be terminal or obtained on the way to the Ph.D. The Ph.D. program is designed to prepare students for careers in research and/or teaching in their area of specialization. A faculty supervisor and the graduate advisor, in conjunction with a graduate studies committee, direct the program of studies for M.S. and Ph.D. candidates.
Mechanical engineering graduates at all levels are highly sought after by the automotive, aircraft, marine, defense, electronics, and materials manufacturing industries.
Laboratory Facilities
Well-equipped teaching and research laboratories can be used to conduct experimental and computational research in many areas.
Teaching Laboratories
The laboratories listed below are a combination of facilities available permanently and those that are set up as necessary for the work of specific classes.
Basic Circuits. This laboratory focuses on basic electrical and electronic circuit design. Experiments give the students practical experience with Kirchhoff’s Laws, phasor analysis, operational amplifiers, and transistor circuits in the context of how these might be used in mechanical systems.
Sensors and Actuators. This laboratory introduces students to the basics of interfacing mechanical and electrical systems and mechatronics, including computer control of sensors and actuators. Experiments use transducers and measurement devices, actuators, A/D and D/A conversion, signal conditioning, and filtering.
General Mechanical Engineering Laboratory. This intermediate laboratory builds skills centered on the practice, design, and reporting of experimental work. The use of a broad range of sensors for thermoscience, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, materials science, and environmental engineering are explored in the design and implementation of laboratory measurements. Reporting of experiments is practiced in formal technical writing.
Controls and Dynamics Laboratory. This laboratory emphasizes physical modeling from first principles in the context of experiments. Students learn to implement, commission, and test control systems for real dynamic problems using an integrated approach that includes dynamic analysis and simulation as well as design and implementation of the control strategy.
Computer-Aided Design Laboratory. The laboratory makes modern computers and engineering software available to students. The lab contains 40 Windows workstations. All computers are networked to the lab’s printers, plotters, and other peripherals. Engineering packages available include ProEngineer, ANSYS, Mechanica, MatLab, Mathematica, Abaqus/CAE, and Solidworks engineering packages along with several other design and analysis packages. Several analyses and educational packages are also provided. The lab is used in conjunction with the department’s CAD/CAM curriculum, and computers are available to the students for other classwork.
Computer-Aided Manufacturing Laboratory. This laboratory gives students practical experience with modern manufacturing techniques. The major equipment in the lab consists of computer-controlled milling machines and a CNC lathe. Students learn to program and operate the tools and to automatically translate CAD drawings on the PC into finished parts on the machines. Drawing files can be transferred directly from computers in the CAD laboratory to the machine in the shop. Equipment is available for the design and construction of simple controlled tools by the students.
Student Machine Shop. The student machine shop is well-equipped and is accessible to undergraduates once they have passed a safety test. It is used extensively by the students in the capstone design project course ME189, and the junior design course ME153. ME12S and ME158 labs take place in the shop. The student machine shop has the following tools: eleven new CNC (computer numerical control) machine tools, 3D printers, a laser cutter, electronics fabrication and testing, pneumatics and hydraulics fabrication and testing, and bench and storage space.
Design Studio. The design studio is set up to provide project teams space for group meetings and is equipped with tools and workbenches for prototype assembly and testing. The studio has workbenches for mechanical and electronic assembly and testing, and basic instruments for temperature, force, pressure measurement, and calibration. Workbenches and storage areas are available for project teams.
Research Laboratories
Bamieh Research Laboratory (Bamieh) The Bamieh group’s research areas include Control and Dynamical Systems, Networks and Spatially Distributed Control Systems, and Fluid Mechanics.
Begley Research Laboratory (Begley) The Begley group’s research focuses on field-assisted 3D printing, lattice materials via 3D printing, simulating materials with evolving microstructure and damage, and bio-inspired materials: flexible structural capacitors inspired by electric fish, hierarchically ordered materials, tensegrity structures, and field-assisted materials assembly.
Beyerlein Research Laboratory (Beyerlein) The Beyerlein group aims to radically improve the mechanical performance of advanced materials via a multiscale understanding of processing-microstructure-property relationships. Current research brings together multiscale modeling, experimentation, and theory to guide the design of materials manufacturing processes or microstructures for target properties.
Control of Network Systems Laboratory (Bullo) Work performed in the laboratory focuses on modeling, analysis, and control of multi-agent systems and complex networks. Applications are drawn from the study of robotic and multi-vehicle coordination, infrastructure networks, distributed computing and optimization, power networks, sensor/actuator networks, and social networks.
Advanced Mechanics of Materials Laboratory (Daly) The Daly group specializes in the application of experimental mechanics to materials science in an effort to characterize, design, and develop advanced materials. The group investigates the mechanics of materials, fatigue, fracture, creep, composites, multi-functional materials, and advanced experimental techniques with a focus on novel approaches for small-scale characterization and the use of large data and statistical approaches to characterize microstructure-property interactions.
Bio-Inspired Fluid Flow Laboratory (Dressaire) The Dressaire research group aims to develop bio-inspired solutions to control and sense fluid flows at small scales. Organisms living in moving fluids have evolved a variety of strategies to repel water, swim, filter, and sense their environment. Understanding the physical principles why a biological system has selected a given approach to interact with the surrounding fluid provides a new paradigm for designing surfaces and engineering processes that can control and sense the flow of complex fluids.
Gibou Research Laboratory (Gibou) The Gibou group’s research focuses on the design and the applications of new high-resolution multiscale computational algorithms for a variety of applications including materials science, multiphase flows at the micro/nanoscale, computer vision with an emphasis on the segmentation of medical images and computer graphics.
Hawkes Research Laboratory (Hawkes) The Hawkes group’s research focuses on the intersection of design, mechanics, and materials. The group develops novel mechanisms and applies non-traditional materials to solve challenging problems in robotics, medicine, and biomechanics.
TEST Lab (Kodio) The Kodio group uses Theory, Experiment, Simulation To (TEST) ideas and gain insights into the evolution of patterns in complex systems, such as the growth and form of living matter, and the emergence of collective behavior in active systems. Also, they use data-driven methods to learn the underlying physical laws of these complex systems.
Structural Materials Processing Laboratory (Levi) The Levi group’s research focuses on the fundamental understanding of microstructure evolution, with emphasis on structural alloys and ceramics, and the application of this understanding to the chemical and microstructural design of coatings, composites, and monolithic systems. There is a concentration on materials that would enable more efficient and environmentally cleaner energy and transportation technologies. The group also has an interest in metastable structures evolving from processes characterized by large departures from equilibrium, starting with rapid solidification and currently emphasizing vapor deposition and synthesis of inorganics from precursors.
Transport for Energy Applications Laboratory (Liao) The Liao group develops computational and experimental tools to "see" the details of energy transport and conversion processes at the smallest time and length scales. The group is also passionate about translating knowledge from these fundamental studies into more efficient and cost-effective sustainable energy technologies that help reduce carbon emissions and secure our energy needs in the future.
Fluid Energy Science Laboratory (Luzzatto-Fegiz) The FESLab pursues a wide range of research in theoretical, experimental, and computational fluid mechanics. The group focuses on fundamental problems that are motivated by strong practical applications in the field of energy production or conservation. Through research the group seeks advances in fundamental understanding that have the potential to drive paradigm shifts, thereby enabling key technological advances.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (Meiburg) Research in the CFD Laboratory focuses on large-scale simulations of complex flow fields and related nonlinear dynamical systems, as well as on computationally intensive hydrodynamic stability problems.
Meinhart Research Laboratory (Meinhart) The Meinhart group seeks to develop and utilize experimental and numerical simulation techniques to understand the physics of transport phenomena at the micro and nano scales. Currently, research projects include combining surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with microfluidics to develop chemical sensors with extremely high sensitivity and specificity. In particular, we are working in the AIM Photonics Center to combine microfluidics, plasmonics, and photonics to develop fully integrated Raman spectrometers.
Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Control Laboratory (Mezic) Current research is centered around an operator-theoretic approach to the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems, applications in microfluidics and (bio)-nanotechnology.
McMeeking Research Group (McMeeking) The McMeeking group’s research focuses on the mechanics of materials, exploiting theoretical and computational methods to understand the structural and functional performance of engineering materials. Recent research has been on lithium-ion batteries, biological cell mechanics, ballistic impact on ceramics, microstructural evolution, ferroelectric systems, utilization of high-temperature materials composed of ceramics and ceramic composites, actuating and shape morphing structures, protection of structures from high-intensity blast waves and accompanying shrapnel, and thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine blades.
Moehlis Research Laboratory (Moehlis) The Moehlis group’s research focuses on modeling, dynamics, and control of neural populations, especially for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and other brain disorders; machine learning / artificial neural networks; coupled oscillators; decision making; system identification; and dynamical systems theory and applications.
Pennathur Research Laboratory (Pennathur) The research in the Pennathur Laboratory is focused on novel studies of chemical and biological species using fabricated micro- and nanoscale devices. Major efforts include general electrokinetics, creating and developing enabling micro- and nanofluidic tools to identify and characterize chemical and biological compounds, improving current bioanalytical devices, and designing/engineering entire systems for point-of-care usage.
Computational Science and Engineering Research Group (Petzold) The Petzold group’s research is focused on modeling, analysis, simulation and software, applied to multiscale, networked systems in biology, materials, and social networks. The group has been developing advanced algorithms for discrete stochastic simulation of systems where the fate of a few key molecules can make a big difference to important outcomes.
Pruitt Research Laboratory (Pruitt) The Pruitt lab develops microtechnologies for small-scale electromechanical and mechanobiology measurements to study how mechanics mediates biological signaling. The group leverages new tools and answers novel questions in the areas of physiology, biology, stem cells, neuroscience, and cardiology with an eye toward quantitative and fundamental biophysics.
Multiphase and Multiscale Flow Laboratory (Sauret) The M&M Lab focuses on the complex couplings between fluids and particles, which are involved in environmental fluid mechanics and industrial processes. Understanding such systems requires multi-scale methods to bridge the particle scale and the macroscopic flow. The group’s work involves a multidisciplinary approach through experiments, analytical modeling, and numerical simulations.
Stowers Lab (Stowers) The Stowers Lab explores how cells interact with and are influenced by the mechanical properties of their environment. These properties regulate a variety of biological processes, such as stem cell differentiation and cancer progression. We engineer novel biomaterials for 3D cell culture to recapitulate key aspects of the cellular microenvironment and use these platforms to understand molecular mechanisms driving cell behavior. We are particularly interested in developing tunable or stimuli-responsive hydrogels to achieve spatial and temporal control of microenvironmental properties.
Design for Humans Laboratory (Susko) Lab D4H is a space reserved for undergraduates and master-level students to develop machines and products that enhance the human experience to foster students’ passion for creating meaningful projects while introducing students to research and independent product development.
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, Biomaterials, and Bioadhesion Laboratory (Valentine) The Valentine research group focuses on understanding how forces are generated and transmitted in living materials, how these forces control cellular outcomes, and how we can capture the extraordinary features of living systems in manmade materials. This highly interdisciplinary experimental work lies at the intersection of engineering, physics, biology, and chemistry.
RE Touch Lab (Visell) The RE Touch Lab pursues fundamental and applied research on the future of interactive technologies, with emphasis on haptics, robotics, and electronics, including emerging opportunities in human-computer interaction, sensorimotor augmentation, soft robotics, and interaction in virtual reality.
Yeung Research Laboratory (Yeung) The Yeung lab seeks to elucidate and design mechanisms underlying biological control and learning. The group integrates control-theoretic design, learning theory, and dynamical systems theory with synthetic biological design to discover novel biological phenomena, including architectures that govern efficient biological learning. A key phenomenon of interest is the role of genetic and genomic context and its interplay with biological circuit performance and robustness. The group is interested in understanding the role of epigenetic and biophysical constraints on host-circuit interactions, as well as context-aware design strategies to enact robust biological feedback.
Thermofluid Energy Research Lab (Zhu) At the Thermofluid Energy Research Lab, we combine fundamental understandings of heat and fluid transport with advanced materials characterization capabilities for more efficient thermal management and sustainable energy solutions. We investigate the effect of complex temperature fields on batteries and metal additive manufacturing, as well as develop advanced cooling technologies for high-heat-flux electronic devices. We also design nanoengineered surfaces to achieve high-efficiency passive solar thermal desalination.
Bassam Bamieh, PhD, Rice University, Professor (dynamic systems, controls, and robotics)
Matthew Begley, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Professor (mechanics of materials, layered and composite materials, computational mechanics, additive manufacturing and micro devices) Joint appointment with Materials
Glenn Beltz, PhD, Harvard University, Professor (Solid mechanics, fracture mechanics, stresses in thin films)
Ted Bennett, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor (thermal science, laser processing)
Irene Beyerlein, PhD, Cornell University, Professor (structural mechanics of multi-phase micro- and nanostructured materials, design of metallic alloys) Joint appointment with Materials
Francesco Bullo, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Professor (multi-agent networks, robotic coordination, distributed computing, vehicle routing, geometric control, motion planning)
Sam Daly, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Professor (mechanics of materials, development of small-scale experimental methods, effects of microstructure on the meso and macroscopic properties of materials, active materials, composites, fatigue, plasticity, fracture)
Emilie Dressaire, PhD, Harvard University, Assistant Professor (Learning about and learning from biological and natural processes to control fluid flow and transport.)
Frederic Gibou, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor (High-resolution multi-scale simulation, scientific computing, tools and software for computational science and engineering, engineering applications? to "High-resolution multiscale simulation and data analysis of multiphase flows, high-temperature material) Joint appointment with Computer Science
Elliot Hawkes, PhD, Stanford University, Associate Professor (Design, mechanics, and non-traditional materials to advance the vision of robust, adaptable, human-safe robots that can thrive in the uncertain, unstructured world.)
Ousmane Kodio, PhD, University of Oxford, Assistant Professor (Mathematical modeling and computational tools to analyze the formation of patterns in complex systems)
Stephen Laguette, Continuing Lecturer
Carlos Levi, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Professor (structural and inorganic materials: conceptual design of materials, synthesis, and evolution of the microstructure during processing and service; implications to performance, especially in extreme environments) Joint appointment with Materials
Bolin Liao, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Associate Professor (Nanoscale energy transport and its application to sustainable energy technologies.)
Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz, PhD, Cornell University, Associate Professor (wind farm aerodynamics, hydrodynamic drag reduction, instrumentation for Oceanography)
Eric Matthys, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Professor (Heat transfer, Fluid mechanics, Rheology, Energy, Sustainability)
Robert McMeeking, PhD, Brown University, Professor (mechanics of materials, fracture mechanics, plasticity, computational mechanics, process modeling, cell mechanics, functional materials) Joint appointment with Materials
Eckart Meiburg, PhD, University of Karlsruhe, Professor (fluid dynamics, two-phase flows, environmental and geophysical fluid mechanics)
Carl Meinhart, PhD, University of Illinois, Professor (Microfluidics, Chemical Detection, Numerical Simulation, Multiphysics Simulation)
Igor Mezic, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Professor (applied mechanics, non-linear dynamics, fluid mechanics, applied mathematics)
Jeff Moehlis, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor (nonlinear dynamics and control, neuro-engineering, biological dynamics, collective behavior, applied mathematics)
Sumita Pennathur, PhD, Stanford University, Professor (application of microfabrication techniques and micro/nanoscale flow phenomena)
Linda Petzold, PhD, University of Illinois, Professor (modeling, simulation, and data analysis of multiscale systems in systems biology, engineering, and medicine) Joint appointment with Computer Science
Beth Pruitt, PhD, Stanford University, Professor (Mechanobiology, microfabrication, engineering and science, engineering microsystems, and bio-interfaces for quantitative mechanobiology.) Joint appointment with Bioengineering
Alban Sauret, PhD, Aix-Marseille University, Associate Professor (Investigating fluid dynamics, interfacial effects, and particle transport mechanisms involved in environmental and industrial processes)
Ryan Stowers, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Assistant Professor (mechanobiology, biomaterials, hydrogel engineering, tissue engineering) Joint appointment with Bioengineering
Tyler Susko, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lecturer SOE (Mechanical and Product Design, Engineering Education, Rehabilitation Robotics, human-machine interaction)
Geoff Tsai, Lecturer Potential SOE
Megan Valentine, PhD, Harvard University, Professor (single-molecule biophysics, cell mechanics, motor proteins, biomaterials)
Yon Visell, PhD, McGill University, Associate Professor (Haptics, robotics, sensors, virtual reality, interactive technologies) Joint appointment with Bioengineering
Henry Yang, PhD, Cornell University, Professor (Computational Solid Mechanics, Composite Materials; Structural Dynamics & Finite Element Analysis)
Enoch Yeung, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor (Control theory, machine learning, synthetic biology, and systems biology.)
Yangying Zhu, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor (Heat transfer, fluid mechanics, micro/nanosystems, energy storage, thermal management)
Emeriti Faculty
Sanjoy Banerjee, PhD, the University of Waterloo Joint appointment with Chemical Engineering
John Bruch, PhD, Stanford University
David Clarke, PhD, Cambridge University Joint appointment with Materials
Roy Hickman, PhD, UC Berkeley
George Homsy, PhD, University of Illinois
Wilbert Lick, PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Gene Lucas, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint appointment with Chemical Engineering
Ekkehard Marschall, Dr Ing, Technische Hochschule Hannover
Steve McLean, PhD, University of Washington
Frederick Milstein, PhD, UC Los Angeles Joint appointment with Materials
Thomas Mitchell, PhD, California Institute of Technology
Robert Odette, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (deformation and fracture, high-performance materials for use in severe environments) Joint appointment with Materials
Brad Paden, PhD, UC Berkeley
Theo Theofanous, PhD, University of Minnesota Joint appointment with Chemical Engineering
Walter Yuen, PhD, UC Berkeley
Affiliated Faculty
Paul Atzberger, PhD
Katie Byl, PhD
Hector Ceniceros, PhD
Joao Hespanha, PhD
Patricia Holden, PhD
Arturo Keller, PhD
Eric Masanet, PhD
Kevin Plaxco, PhD