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Scholarship Opportunities

The Scholarship Coordinator in the College of Letters and Science Division of Undergraduate Education facilitates the application process for students in all colleges applying to national and international scholarships that require campus endorsement. These prestigious merit-based scholarships provide support for a variety of pursuits including public service, study abroad, unique domestic and international graduate programs, and more. Opportunities include but are not limited to the Beinecke, Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Goldwater, Truman, and Udall Scholarships.

Many of these national scholarships require campus endorsement, in which case students must apply through the Division of Undergraduate Education by the campus deadline to be considered for nomination. Undergraduate Education coordinates with the campus Faculty Selection Committee to select, nominate, and endorse candidates.

Students can find links to each of the national scholarship pages, which contain eligibility and campus application guidelines, at Students interested in applying to any national scholarship should contact the Scholarship Coordinator at to set up an appointment to discuss their interest and potential application.

Although the Division of Undergraduate Education does not maintain a directory for scholarships that do not require campus endorsement, our office can meet with and assist students applying to any scholarship who wish to discuss materials and get feedback on statements. Current UCSB students working on a scholarship applications and looking for assistance may request a meeting by contacting us at

Note that the information on this page is focused on highly competitive merit-based scholarships with a campus and national selection process. For queries regarding general undergraduate financial support or financial-need based scholarships, students are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

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