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Undergraduate Honors at Graduation

To be eligible for honors at graduation an undergraduate student must have completed at least 60 letter graded units* within the University of California, including summer session but excluding UC Extension. UCSB courses taken by Open University through UCSB's Professional and Continuing Education, beginning Fall 2000, will be included in UCSB’s GPA and honors calculations. If all graduation requirements are met, honors are awarded by each college as approved by the Undergraduate Council. Honors are awarded to the top 20% in the following order:

Top 2.5%

Highest Honors

Next 6%

High Honors

Next 11.5%


The grade-point average thresholds for the above honors categories are calculated based on the population of graduates from the preceding academic year.

Distinction in the Major is awarded to students who successfully complete a project or thesis with distinction as part of a Departmental Senior Honors Program.

College Honors are awarded to students in the College of Letters and Science who have completed 135 or more graded units in the University of California with a grade-point average of at least 3.85.

The Certificate of Academic Excellence is presented to students who have completed the College of Letters and Science Honors Program.

Because of the advanced nature of graduate degree work, no additional honors are assigned for the award of a graduate degree.

*Please note that this unit value has changed as of the 2018-2019 academic year, and applies to students graduating in Fall 2018 or later.