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UC Entry Level Writing Requirement

The University of California Entry Level Writing Requirement may be fulfilled prior to "matriculation" (before beginning at UCSB) by:

  1. scoring 3 or higher on either of the English AP Exams;

  2. scoring 3 or higher on either AP Seminar or AP Reseach (neither earns UC-transferrable units)

  3. scoring 30 or higher on the ACT combined English Language Arts (ELA) Exam;

  4. scoring 680 or higher on the SAT Writing Evidence-Based Reading or Writing Tests;

  5. scoring 5 or higher on the IB higher level English A exam;

  6. scoring 6 or higher on the IB standard level English A1 exam;

  7. receiving a C or higher in a English composition course that satisfies GE Area A-1;

  8. placing in Writing 2 via UCSB’s Collaborative Writing Placement Exam (CWP, see below);

  9. passing the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE). UCSB will only accept AWPE results from students transferring from another UC campus.

The Collaborative Writing Placement (CWP) will be offered twice during Summer Orientation and once a quarter. U.S. students who have not fulfilled the requirement by 1-6 above will be contacted via email about how to register for the placement. Students with questions about the CWP may contact the Writing Program: Students who are not placed in Writing 2, should plan on enrolling in Writing 1 during their first year at UCSB. A grade of C or higher is needed in Writing 1 to satisfy the Entry Level Writing Requirement. A student who receives a C- or lower must repeat Writing 1 until they earn a C.

International students who are not immigrants and who have not fulfilled the requirement through 1-6 above must participate in the English for Multilingual Students Program online writing diagnostic essay. Details about this assessment will be sent to students via email. The diagnostic essay, as well as other student information, including TOEFL, SAT and/ or ACT test scores, will be used to guide writing course placements. Students will be placed into one of four academic English levels in the English for Multilingual Students Program, Department of Linguistics (LING 3A, LING 3B, LING 3C or LING 12) or may be referred to the Writing Program for placement. To satisfy the Entry Level Writing Requirement through the EMS Program, students must successfully complete LING 12 with a C or better.

Once students matriculate at UCSB , they may not fulfill Entry Level Writing by transferring a course from another institution, and transfer courses that are articulated to fulfill GE Area A will not be accepted for credit unless Entry Level Writing has been satisfied.

UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California 93106
(805) 893-8000

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