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ECE 181 - Introduction to Computer Vision

Full Course Title

Introduction to Computer Vision

Instructor Name(s)


Course Description

Overview of computer vision problems and techniques for analyzing the content of images and video. Topics include image formation, edge detection, image segmentation, pattern recognition, texture analysis, optical flow, stereo vision, shape representation and recovery techniques, issues in object recognition, and case studies of practical vision systems.

Unit Value


Maximum number of times course can be repeated for additional credit


Maximum Units



Upper-division standing in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Chemical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.

Advisory Enrollment Comments

Same course as Computer Science 181.

Repeat Comments

Not open for credit to students who have completed ECE/CMPSC 181B with a grade of C or better. ECE/CMPSC 181 is a legal repeat of ECE/CMPSC 181B.


ECE181 is a completion requirement for: