Additional Fees
Application Fee
The application for undergraduate students applying to the University of California is $70 per campus. For international applicants, the fee is $80 per campus. Graduate application fees are $105 for domestic applicants and $125 for international applicants.
Undergraduate students who wish to transfer from one UC campus to another must also pay a non-refundable $70 fee with their intercampus transfer application. For international applicants, the filing fee is $80 per campus.
Deposit Fee
A nonrefundable $250 deposit is required of undergraduates when they return the Statement of Intention to Register (SIR) at UCSB. The deposit will be applied to the registration fee only if students enroll in the quarter for which they have been admitted.
Parking Fees
All vehicles parked on campus must display a valid campus parking permit on every day except administrative holidays. Quarterly and prorated annual permits may be purchased on the Transportation and Parking Services website ( Visit the website to view parking permit policies and fees, locate best parking opportunities on an interactive map, and learn about UCSB’s Transportation Alternatives Program.
Course Materials & Service Fees
Students may be charged fees in some courses for the use, rental or consumption of materials, tools or equipment, or for the costs of materials or services necessary to provide a special supplemental educational experience. For example, course materials fees may cover the purchase of chemicals and glassware for a science laboratory or art supplies for an art studio class. They might also cover film rentals, field trips, or the purchase or rental of specific equipment.
Student Technology Fee
The Tech Fee, formally called the Instructional Technology Enhancement Initiative Course Materials Fee, supports instructional technology enhancements via Collaborate services. The fee provides and supports modern technology for instruction and learning, and funds things like online tools and materials, computer-based instructional labs, classroom presentation and interaction tools, and student services. More information can be found here: